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Smart office app for efficient hybrid work

How Steerpath app works?

Steerpath integrates with your Microsoft or Google ecosystem and gives employees tools to choose the best workplace for each day of the week.

Key feature of a modern solution is an intuitive, easy to use UI.

  • Week planning

  • Meeting room booking

  • Occupancy analytics

  • MS Teams, Mobile and web apps

  • Lobby displays

Managers can view in real-time the office occupancy as well as get historical and estimated office utilisations for the future.

Rightsize your office

Most companies have wrong size of type office. We help you discover how much space exactly your organisation needs. And not just floor area but the number and types of spaces your organisation requires to perform at an optimal level.

Typical office utilisation with and without Steerpath hybrid workplace management app
  • Steerpath application motivates employees to visit the office by making it easy to see when colleagues are visiting the office.

    Steerpath also removes obstacles and uncertainties that can prevent people from making the decision to travel to office such as guaranteed desk and parking space availability.

  • By showing both real time and future office utilisation to employees so that they can make informed decisions when they and their team has office days and when they are working remote.

  • Steerpath workplace analytics gives baseline data how many desks and other resources such as phone booths are required on a daily basis to guarantee optimal office usage. Typically after 6 months of application usage it is possible to define safe minimum office size that does not decrease office experience.

    Actually based on some studies, having smaller, a right size office increases the social interactions and improves overall office experience.

    Read more how Workplace analytics works here.

Get rid of bad office days

Research of the effects of wide-scale adaptation of hybrid working and interviews with 200 corporate decision-makers indicate that on average corporate culture and face-to-face collaboration have been declining. The Steerpath Hybrid Work Solution is designed to encourage and motivate people to come together. This is achieved with two different data categories that affect a person's tendency to go to the office: attractors and detractors.

Top attractors are social and collaboration reasons aka are people relevant to me at the office?

Top detractors are the uncertainty of having a work desk and/or parking spot.

Attracts to office

Keeps one remote

3d floorplan and room booking for web.JPG

3D office floorplans with sensors and room booking

Built for diverse teams

A working organisation is a diverse combination of different individuals with different preferences and work tasks. The key is to help everyone in the organisation get most out of the workplace each day, regardless if that workspace is office, working remotely from home or being at the customer site. Steerpath is designed to give each individual best possible way to share their work location with oneother enabling smooth collaboration both f2f and remotely.

Remote first

I work mostly remotely but love to visit the office couple of times per month to see my colleagues!

sales manager

I have both internal and external meetings, often location chances even during one day. With Steerpath rest of the company can find the best times to catch up with me.

Office first

I work mostly at the office. Steerpath allows me to know when people who visit the office more seldom are at the office and never miss a moment with them

Hybrid work leadership 2.0

Data driven management has become increasingly important after wide spread adoption of hybrid and remote working. With more distributed workplace, teams and individuals, knowing the current state of working practises, performance, employee satisfaction and workspace bottlenecks cannot be achieved with gut feeling alone. Transitioning from pre-pandemic workplaces to future of work requires continuous iterations in each organisation in order to make the transition experience as smooth as possible for the employees.

Office space capacity estimation has also become difficult without real time occupancy data. Need for different type of shared resources such as meeting rooms, teams rooms, adhoc space and phone booths makes also monitoring of people per square meter/feet more irrelevant. Instead key is to understand why people use the office, what resources they need and if there are any bottle necks in the current office design that prevent work from getting done.

Increased collaboration
for Team Leads

Steerpath helps Team Leads find the best times for the team to get together and reserve necessary resources for a successful team day. Members also automatically see each other’s office days lowering the barrier for face to face collaboration.

Data driven workplace
for Facility Managers

Steerpath gives Workplace Managers the ability to collect feedback how the workplace is working for employees as well as see historical, current and upcoming office utilisation easily.

Optimised office costs
for CFO

CFO can see how office investment is working and what we should do next: how much and what type of spaces our employees use. How much office space can we reduce without it affecting employee experience?

Case study: Media company HQ

“Our employees have widely adapted the Steerpath workplace app. It has made it easy to get a rolling start to our new offices with team office day planning and meeting room reservations.

For our management it has given insight into how our hybrid working practises are in and out of the office.”

Anna Rusanen
Head of Digital Workplace

Key features

  • Image of MyTeam feature that lists colleagues and their office and remote work plans

    Know who is going to be at the office, remote or on the move.

    Never visit the office for nothing.

  • Image of 3D floorplan with meeting room highlighted with green color and icon indicating unreserved status

    See in real-time where available meeting rooms, desks or phone booths are.

    Click to book and navigate!

  • Logo of Microsoft teams

    Easily add Steerpath for your organisation as native Microsoft teams application

  • Image of advanced analytics dashboard with customer specific KPIs of Workplace performance

    Hybrid work profiles, space utilisation and reservation analytics. Wide support for sensor based occupancy analytics.

  • Screenshot from the application. Illustrates how to book a meeting room easily.

    Book meeting rooms, desks and other shared resources from map, search with specific requirements or select from personalised favourites.

  • List of integrations supported including office 365 and google workspace

    Connect Steerpath with occupancy sensors, calendar systems and indoor positioning.

Latest hybrid work trends

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